Training and Education

Automotive Skills Alliance has goals to boost the re-skilling and up-skilling within the automotive sector which is faciitated by the wide network of partners who are active in active in the field of training offer. Following training material, opportunities or platforms are recommended or initiated with the cooperation with the ASA.

Skills Hub

The Skills Hub is a one stop shop for tranings in Automotive-mobility ecosystem with integrated framework for definition and recognition of job roles and skills/competence concepts using microbadges. The training courses linked and advertised by providers according to coherent structure and mapping excercise – more than 180 courses linked through the platform covering topics in the following areas:

Learning Platform

Online platform containing more than 55 online courses now and growing. The first set of training courses were developed by the ERASMUS+ co-funded project DRIVES.

Good Practice Resource

A tool – Good Practice Resource which collects innovative practices in apprenticeships offer in form of case studies. Case studies are categorised based off of 12 themes.