In the European Year of Skills, ASA contributes to building a strong up/re-skilling framework for Europe

As announced at the beginning of the year, 2023 is considered by the EU as being the Year of Skills. The focus of all stakeholders in the European environment is to research, analyse, and come up with solutions on how Europe can build a strong, structured, and valuable framework for up-skilling and re-skilling.

ASA, by its purpose, voluntarily and quickly enrolled in this challenge and participated in multiple events related to up/reskilling in the automotive ecosystem and piloted, together with its Partners, 2 main project initiatives: Project PASS on Key Competencies and Project FLAMENCO (Forward Looking Approaches for Green Mobility Ecosystem Network Collaboration) dedicated to analysing the needs in the skills area, identifying solutions to address the needs and implement a methodology that can ensure that an up/re-skilling mechanism is successful in ensuring that European Professionals are prepared to face the changed brought by a transformation towards a digital and green mobility eco-system.

While PASS is focussing on the key skills analysis and finding the right solutions to address them, FLAMENCO is aiming to build a collaboration methodology that can strengthen communication and joint efforts of European countries towards facing the automotive industrial transformation with a common perspective and based on common goals.

As stated in the EU communication from March 2023, “during the European Year of Skills, the Commission, the European Parliament, Member States, social partners, public and private employment services, chambers of commerce and industry, education and training providers, workers and businesses will work together to promote skills development, thereby improving professional and life opportunities for people” (Source: LINK). ASA continues with this trend and is strengthening communication, shared visions, and common targeted actions among trainers, companies, professional entities, and regional bodies within Europe.

2023 seems to be the right opportunity for European Stakeholders to focus on skills and help Europe become more competitive by boosting its workforce and ensuring that the digital and green transformation is supporting both economic and social European environments.

More details about the intermediary results of the 2 projects can be found on their respective websites (PASS, FLAMENCO)